Sunday, May 15, 2011

I heard Dr. Phil once say...

I heard Dr. Phil once say on the Oprah show that if your keep your feelings stuffed down....eventually they will come back up.  Just like a beach ball you try to shove under the water it will always bounce back up.  Well, I thought I was processing my stress in a healthy way however, I was not paying attention to what I was doing unconsciously!  I admit it is embarresing to share with others, however, if someone else can benefit from my mistakes then it was worth the pain I endured.  It was a Friday afternoon and I started to eat and watch television at the same time.  Who hasn't?  However, I had something on my mind and rather than expressing it and admitting it was a problem for me I started eating.  And eating, and eating...before I had even realized it I had eaten so much I became sick!  Now I will spare you the details, but let's just say that often from painful experiences we can become much wiser and prepared for when the future repeats itself! I can laugh now, however, I wasn't laughing at the time.  I finally realized after a wonderful discussion with a close friend what my lesson learned was all about.  In life we have all types of friends. Some we do business with, some we entertain with, some we share spiritual or religious experiences with and some may be our partner when we work out at the gym.  The point is we have a variety of friends that we share many parts of ourselves with and sometimes it may not be in our best interest to share everything with one person.  What if they do not share your core beliefs?  What if your spiritual beliefs are different?  That's okay.  They are still a friend sharing what is special and unique about them.  Life is a beautiful thing, if you are really paying attention you will learn something very special from all your friends and all you interact with, and for that I am very grateful.

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