While out for dinner one evening I met some wonderful people visiting for the weekend while attending a convention in honor of the Veterans who served in WWII. I thanked the gentleman for his service to this country, adding that due to him and many others who have served and currently serve, we enjoy freedom of religion and speech in this country. He began to reminisce about what a confusing time it was for our country during WWII. His wife lovingly reassured him that he personally had done his best to support our country and how we are all so thankful for that.
Any time there is an attack and a corresponding defense, the result is sometimes war! Whether it is among nations or among one another in our personal relationships. And what is missing? Understanding. When was the first time you felt anger? Can you remember as a child? Visit that time and now look at the situation with wiser and more understanding eyes. Now travel forward quickly to the last time you remember defending yourself after a verbal attack from someone you knew, (was it just yesterday?) can you respond in your mind with understanding as opposed to defense? Look at the situation from all perspectives and feel compassion. Can you forgive? When understanding is our goal in any given situation, the result is no longer war, but peace. No longer is there fighting, instead, there is cooperation.
We continued to talk about people and life and why some manage well during difficult times and others do not. Their son who was also traveling with them mentioned a friend of his who had lost his wife many years ago and was still suffering from the loss and unable to move forward and enjoy his life. I explained that in the work I do I've learned there are often 'blocks' and ‘beliefs’ within ourselves on many levels that may prevent us from doing so. Did you know that Science is now merging with Spirituality and thus has a better understanding about our human bodies and minds and has discovered that healing takes place on many levels, not just emotional and physical alone? Often our ‘beliefs’ that reside within us may not allow us to move forward in our healing! Removing these disenabling beliefs and replacing them with loving and healthy beliefs results in a ‘shift’ enabling an individual to move from grief to joy, from low self-esteem to healthy confidence, from a place of lack and failure, to a place of fulfillment and prosperity.
Thank you Ed and Fran for sharing time with me at dinner and reminding me of the blessings we enjoy as result of living in a country of religious freedom; because it means so much more that that…it also means Spiritual Freedom and the opportunity to evolve. It means we understand that our failures are not really failures, they are lessons learned!
Thank you for sharing!